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Get BRAINY--navigating decision making during pregnancy

Writer's picture: Rainier Valley MidwivesRainier Valley Midwives

It can be a long road from choosing a healthcare provider to holding your baby for this first time. The decisions you make along the way will by MANY and VARIED!

We are shooting for a joyful, connected pregnancy and making so many decisions does not have to be overwhelming--you can do it! One tool that can help navigate these choices is the BRAINY acronym. Follow BRAINY to get your arms around options and then trust yourself--the right thing will come forward for you if you take the time to look at the issue from a broad perspective.

BRAINY stands for:

- B– Benefits

- R– Risks

- A – Alternatives

- I – Intuition

- N – Nothing

- Y – Your Choice

Each component serves as a guide for expecting parents to evaluate their options.

Breaking Down BRAINY


- Consider the potential benefits of the decision you are facing. What positive outcomes can you anticipate?


- Assess the associated risks. Every decision has possible downsides. Understanding the risks helps prepare for potential complications and informs your choice.


- Explore alternatives. Are there other options available that might suit your needs better?


- Trust your intuition. Your feelings and instincts about your healthcare and childbirth experience are essential. How does the proposed decision resonate with you?


- Consider doing nothing. Sometimes, it’s okay to pause and observe rather than rush into a decision. Not every situation requires immediate action; knowing when to wait can be just as important as knowing when to act.

Your Choice

- Ultimately, it’s your choice. You are the primary decision-maker regarding your pregnancy and childbirth. Your preferences, beliefs, and comfort levels should guide your choices. Remember, you are writing your own story. Your Choice doesn't have to mean you are fighting The Man--it means you've looked at the options and considered them using BRAIN and one choice is rising up as right for you and your baby!

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Renton Birth Center:
 4300 Talbot Rd S #402 Renton, WA 98055
(425) 600-2582 Fax: 833-434-1353  |

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