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10 Big Updates for 2025

1.  We are consolidating all scheduling and messaging into ClientCare and moving out of Charm totally (you can delete your app and login).  Instead of messaging through CharmConnect you will login to ClientCare, use the Messages tab, and be able to communicate with your team through there.   On the main page, you will see all of your appointments listed.  

     --Please bookmark this login page.
     --If you have not received an invite with your username, please email and let us know to set it up for you
     --You will receive handouts and information about pregnancy in the tab Forms and Records and sub-tab Educational Forms.  As your pregnancy          advances, more handouts will be populated.  If you like to read ahead, we've got you covered with early access to all the handouts
     --You will sign all of your consent forms here as well during visits.  If you've already signed some or all in Charm, we will move them to your portal in clientcare so you do not have to sign twice.
    --If you have not already, upload your picture (or we can help at your next visit)
    --Most importantly, complete your whole demographic sheet and entire health history (we will do at your next visit if it's not done when we see you).  These are all the forms you used to fill out on a clipboard.  Be sure to click Save and Submit when you are done!   


2.  HIPAA protected texting to schedule, change appointments, communicate with the front desk.  

    --Text or call the front desk at 425-600-2582 to make or change appointments or get your questions answered


3.  We plan on welcoming a new receptionist to Renton by February 1.  

    --We will introduce them when they start and share their specific role so you know what to expect.  This role helps free up our providers to really focus on your care, responding to messages in a timely manner, and sleeping between births! 


4.  Updates to your midwifery team

    --Elka will be seeing people in Tacoma and catching babies at the birth center or for homebirths.  She is in the process of opening her own practice.  We will share her contact information as soon as she is ready to share it! 

    --Midwives seeing clients in Renton:  Dr. Rachel, Jodilyn, Binta (on maternity leave), Sarah, and Rennetta (many years of experience, near-licensure, she works alongside or supervised by Jodilyn and Rachel and runs the VillagePrenatalCare program)

    --There is an extreme provider shortage in maternal health.  We are really lucky to have the support of so  many amazing midwives around the city who come in for prenatal care and births.  We are always cultivating relationships and working with near-licensure students to nurture our next hire and we will introduce you to providers as they come in.

    --We are adding mental health providers to our team.  If you'd like an appointment, please email 


5.  More times open for appointments

    --We now have slots open Monday-Friday 9-5 for your visits.  If you would like to change your appointment times to a different day, please hit reply and let me know and I will call you to adjust your appointment times.  

     --Wondering what's next in your care?  Read this one-page careplan


6.  New program enrollment process 

     --We have designed a new enrollment process to streamline how people get labs, ultrasound, and a first visit.  Want to refer a friend?  Share this link


7.  Social Media engagement:  Like and Follow the Rainier Valley Midwives instagram and facebook accounts for informative posts.  5 For Fridays is a weekly drop of 5 topics that we hear families asking about to load you up with weekend read.  From products to birth stories, lots of info to come this year! 


8.  Website update:  check out our midwifery area by clicking through the menu above to access handouts, see what your peers are reading, access our blog Loved By Midwives, and get vital information on topics such as genetic screens and connecting with Apple Health.  


9.  Join our Childbirth prep workshop designed to highlight how to use your body to have your baby--great for birth center or hospital birthers and their partners--this is a 2 hour course, offered quarterly. Register Here


10. VillageLactation now open Every Tuesday from 1-3pm with Dr. Rachel.  All of your lactation support and questions answered--from latch to back-to-work, we have you covered!  As a client you do not need to register. This is open to non-clients for free who can register here. 

We thank you for your patience and kindness as we've worked to create and implement these changes.  We are thrilled to have you in care and can't wait to see what 2025 has in store our Village! 

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Call today to schedule 425-207-8769


Resources for Pregnancy Care

Rainier Valley Birth & Health Center is in compliance with all WA State COVID-19 regulations.

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Seattle Clinic: 4704 S. Mead St. Seattle, WA 98118
Renton Birth Center:
 4300 Talbot Rd S #402 Renton, WA 98055
(425) 600-2582 Fax: 833-434-1353  |

©2017 South Seattle Women's Health Foundation. All Rights Reserved. DBA Rainier Valley Community Clinic, Rainier Valley Midwives,
Delivering Babies at Rainier Valley Birth & Health Center.
SSWHF is a registered 501(c)(3) organization, EIN 47-3348689.

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